Saturday, April 7, 2007

Career Alternatives Clusters

Here is the list of Career Alternatives clusters for religion majors:

(1) media (print and electronic);

(2) public-policy institutes and think tanks;

(3) grant-making institutions, nonprofits, and NGOs;

(4) academic administration;

(5) theological librarians;

(6) campus religious life and service-learning/volunteering;

(7) professional ministry (local, regional, national, international);

(8) religious education (public and private secondary, undergraduate, graduate);

(9) sabbatical, retreat, seminar, and enrichment programs (for clergy and laity);

(10) government-sector jobs (policy-making, diplomacy, FBI, prison chaplains, oversight of religious freedom, etc.);

(11) medicine, ethics, and healing; and

(12) “the arts” (visual arts, dance, design, music, etc.).

We'll be focusing on media for the next couple of years, so I'm particularly interested in accumulating contacts in that field, but I'd also like to continue building the database in all the cluster areas. So, if you know anyone working in these areas who was an undergraduate religion major (bachelor's) or did graduate work in religion (master's, or doctorate), please post the contact information so I can follow up.

Thanks, Kim

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